Service and Solutions
Platform provide a wide range of IT Services including Managed Service Contracts, Ad-hoc Support Services and Specialised Technology Solutions.
Below is an example of what we can provide for your business. If you are interested in having a chat, come and say hello on the Contact page.

We provide a wide range of Managed Service Contracts customised to your business needs.
Here are some of the services that we provide in our Managed Service Contracts:
Account Management and Consultancy
Procurement Services
Budget Management
Print Mangement
Wireless Network Management
Network Infrastructure Management
Infrastructure Monitoring
Security Management
UPS Management
Asset Management
Software Updates
Systems Patching
Remote Support

We provide a range of Ad-hoc Support Services for clients without Managed Support Contracts.
Here are some of the Ad-hoc Services that we provide:
Ad-hoc IT Support Services
Office Relocations
Data Center Solutions
Consultancy Services
Print Management Solutions

We have experience in a number of technologies that we feel can benefit your business.
Here are some of the Technology Solutions that we have experience in:
Cloud services including Email, Backup and File Transfer Solutions
Server and Desktop Virtualisation
DR and Business Continuity
Connectivity including Telecoms and Internet
Specialised Technology such as Data Storage, Font Management, Mac and PC Cross Platform Integration, AV Solutions, Print Management and Comms Room Design and Implementation.